If you love surprise packages, join our Soap of the Month Club! Each month we pick a different soap bar and send it to you at 15% off. This monthly box also makes a great gift as all of our soaps are made for sensitive skin.
Soap of the Month ships on the 15th of each month.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these soaps. I have sensitive skin but these soaps don’t break my skin out or bother me! They are amazing!
High quality. Love it
Such a joy to get a new soap in the mail every month - it's like a little surprise gift to your future self. The scent is so unique and it adds a little extra love to my morning routine each day <3
Shipping was fairly quick, and the bar came wrapped in wax/parchment type paper and packaged in a manilla envelope. The bar was pretty soft--I am not sure if it is just a soft bar, or if it is because it was starting to melt because once I left it sitting in the kitchen after getting the mail it hardened up but when I picked it up in the shower it was soft enough to leave fingerprints in. The soap lathers well--we shall see how long each bar lasts, but I absolutely do not like the smell of this month's bar. It's Patchouli Cedarwood, and it smells very strong, and when I walked into work, my coworkers kept asking if I went to a head shop. It's not good for your nurse to smell like a pot dispensery. There really needs to be a way to customize this soap of the month club, even if doing so increases the price slightly. The scent lingered on my skin about 4 hours into my shift before I stopped noticing it--not sure if I just went nose-blind or if the scent dissipated.
I Love almost all of the Soaps except the Oatmeal soap of the month for November. Being a senior with thin skin it tends to irritate and scratch my skin. I could not use it more than the 1 time that I did. I did have some other soap from The Yellow Bird I substituted with!!!